Quit Smoking: Finally Tell Cigarettes to Fuck Off: The Easy Way to Quit Smoking in 96 Hours Or Less

Quit Smoking: Finally Tell Cigarettes to Fuck Off: The Easy Way to Quit Smoking in 96 Hours Or Less
Independently Published
J. K. Young


Before you buy this book, let me ask you these simple questions. Are you tired of the same old bulls*it self-help books? Are you tired of reading a bible to quit smoking? Are you tired of hearing whiny ass doctors complain about it? Then try the new kick-ass approach to telling smoking to fuck off. This book is not intended to educate you on the history of smoking what this book will do is convince you to tell smoking to fuck off in less than 96 hours. I am going to warn you that this is not your traditional bullshit self-help book about quitting smoking. This book is written for those brave Mother Fuckers who wants to take that next step in their life and become free from nicotine. Now it doesn't matter whether that be cigarettes, cigars or even vaping. I chose to write this book as short as possible for two reasons because one I am not a professional writer and two, quitting smoking isn't rocket science. As we both know there are some dumb fuckers out there that have done the impossible. Stop and take a moment to now think to yourself are they really dumber? In our opinion this book will be the best $9.99 you will ever spend. Just think even buying this book is cheaper than a pack of smokes. Here are some quick questions for you. Are you tired as hell with getting winded after 50 ft jog or sick of the famous mating call of the smoker, the smokers cough? Well then this is the book for you and it is going to knock your fucking socks off. In the end, you and only you will come out with two results. In laments terms either you will quit or you don't. In the end, you are the only person responsible for those results regardless of all the fucking excuses in the world. I like to use this statement a lot, there are always excuses but is there really ever a reason....Go ahead and join the revolution in telling smoking to fuck off.