Deeper Revelations Of The Glory Realm

Deeper Revelations Of The Glory Realm
Independently Published
Apostle Frequency Revelator


It is of paramount significance to highlight form the onset the truth that "Glory" as a term used in scripture is a somewhat elusive term to describe succinctly. Although it is a buzz word that is trending in our streamline Christian programmes, it is never fully understood by multitudes of believers. The most overworked terminology or Christian vocabulary across a broad spectrum of Christian charismatic cycles is the word "glory", yet it is one of the subjects that have not been fully comprehended by dozens of believers. Owing to lack of revelation, some people erroneously perceive the glory to be an otherworldly form or a divine energy force that floats in the atmosphere, something ethereal or mystical but the greater truth is that the glory of God goes beyond these things. Multitudes of books have been written and countless messages preached behind the pulpit on the subject of the 'glory' yet for all the attention the subject is given, it is one of the least understood and least experienced gifts which God has freely made available to every believer in Christ. Owing to a lack of revelation, many believers consider the term glory as a rather vague, ethereal concept that they struggle to comprehend clearly. The daunting task of defining glory is exacerbated by the fact that it is used in a variety of ways to mean different things in the scripture. Some people erroneously presume the glory to be the anointing; others think it's God's power; others perceive it to be a spiritual substance while others just can't see any difference between these concepts. Therefore, in order for us to have an in-depth understanding of the divine phenomenon of glory, it is imperative that we define the concept in its original context with reference to both Greek and Hebrew terminology. In this publication, Apostle Frequency Revelator demystifies the common misconceptions that have been held by dozens of folks concerning what the glory of God is. He unveils the glory of God as His totality or state of perfection and completeness manifested and expressed through the attributes of mercy, grace, longsuffering, goodness and truth. In other words, it is the visible splendour and moral beauty of God's manifold perfections. Put differently, it is the total sum of God's attributes, character, and intrinsic virtues, the brilliance of His presence, and the splendour of His majesty. It is the intrinsic essence of who God is manifested by His nature, character, attributes or virtues. In essence, the glory of God is His character and His divine nature; it is the very essence of His presence. And because the glory is the essence of who God is, everything is complete in Him. In this book, the glory is also revealed as the nature of God and an exact representation or extension of His being. In other words, it proceeds from Him. It is part of His being. The glory is the essence of all that God is. It is the realm of eternity, infinite, boundless, with no restrictions; it is beyond human imagination. It is God's unforgettable mark, seen and heard in the natural. The "glory" connotes to the substance of glory or Shekinah which is the visible, tangible, and feel-able manifestation of His presence to mankind in the natural realm. In this context, the glory of God is perceived as a spiritual substance that emanates from the Throne Room of God in Heaven and is then manifested in the natural realm as a visible and tangible substance. The reading of this book will therefore cause you to understand the deep revelations of the glory realm, so that you can operate easily in that realm.