You Are the Light of the World: Its Time to Shine

You Are the Light of the World: Its Time to Shine
You Are the Light of the World
Body, Mind & Spirit
Navigating the New World
John McIntosh


At this moment humanity is fully immersed in the New Energy of NOW and it appears as if chaos and collapse is present in every corner of the earth. This is due to the fall of the dysfunctional patriarchy as the rapidly expanding Divine Feminine Light balances the long imbalanced Divine Masculine Light.Those who have already chosen to dive into Self Discovery and fully return to the Awareness of the God they 'are' have become the Light of the World. Simply standing in this Awareness, sometimes referred to as BEING-ness, shines the Light of Truth to everyone and everything that animates the great dream of this world and this multi-verse.You 'are' this Light ... the Light of the world as you return to this Awareness. This 3rd book in the series NAVIGATING THE NEW WORLD continues to offer a thread of articles designed to assist you in re-discovering WHO you Really are.Why did I wait so long?! Got it yesterday [YOU ARE THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD ] and read before sleep and drifted off so wonderfully! Awakening can give great rest! I love the short passages that say the unsayable and use it as a check in to see where I AM really is! Returning to what has never left. As ever John thanks and love and lots of SHINE! - Mary Virginia PembletonJohn ... I loved this book immensely. Your openness to share your vulnerabilities was most heart warming and I applaud your commitment to share your hard earned lessons of the ascension process. ... so thanks again - Finbar TallonI highly recommend to anyone who is looking for confirmation as to the way you have chosen for yourself to pick up and read this vitally insightful book. "Navigating The New World: Recognizing the Light You Are In the Emerging New Energy - Bobby BielikYour Words resonate very deeply, and it feels so good to read ... makes me feel more joyful and more optimistic too. I am very Grateful and glad that you are here and you are in my consciousness. I am sending you Love and gratitude - Bjørg Landro Thank you John! I felt like such a lost soul and was desperately searching for a book that would speak to me and guide me. I found your book YOU ARE GOD. I have found through your book, the meaning of I Am That I Am - CKacz I thank the Universe/God every day for putting you in front of me. Thousands can say something and you hear nothing but then one says it and it touches deeply... God has brought you to me, seeing me struggling, I am blessed - Dee Marlowe

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