Now, Are You Ready to Learn Economics?

Lyndon LaRouche


In 1984 Lyndon LaRouche wrote a widely circulated economics textbook, called So, You Wish To Learn All About Economics? Most Americans didn't. However, across the "developing world," especially in China, leaders eager to overcome backwardness sought out answers to questions such as: "How did America become a powerful, productive force in the world?" "How can we apply LaRouche's ideas to overcome our own problems and secure a better future for our people?" Many of the answers are found in this book, first published in 2000. Much of it was written in response to questions or requests from the "developing world." The biggest question which this book answered was "How can we get around the strangulation of International Monetary Fund (IMF) conditionalities so we can actually begin to build up our nations?" After a long detour down the suicidal path of "post-industrial society," Americans too face almost the same problem today as did the "developing countries" before they adopted LaRouche's ideas for Hamiltonian banking on a global scale to bypass the IMF. Will America finally give up subservience to Wall Street and London imperial banking and join with the New Paradigm of LaRouche's Hamiltonian World Land-Bridge development banks? The answer to that question is in this book and in your decision to take some responsibility to ensure that America returns to its Hamiltonian roots. The author is the founder and contributing editor of Executive Intelligence Review magazine, whose forecasts for the US. economy have been the most accurate in the history of economics.