The Power of Positive Words: 90 Day Makeover for Your Life

The Power of Positive Words: 90 Day Makeover for Your Life
The Power of Positive Words
Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
Jim Kibler


The Power of Positive WordsThis is absolutely the 2nd most important book you will ever read. Read this book once a week for the first 90 days and at least once a month for the rest of your life after that. It is that important.If you practice the simple principles outlined in this book, you will soon begin to live your life on a level you never imagined.Quickly Eliminate Failure, Sickness, Bad Habits, Fear, Depression, Anxiety, Negative Thoughts and Roadblocks to Success in 90 Days You are about to embark on a life makeover for the next 90 days that will change the course of your life and eventually bring you to a place of happiness, health, harmony and success. If you practice the simple principles outlined in this book, you will get to the point of actually giving your words an assignment to cause specific events or changes, to happen in your life. Not as difficult as you might think.You Will Become Empowered after reading this book to change any area of your life, any time you desire, in 90 days. You will absolutely be in charge of the destiny of your own life. 90 Day Makeover for Your Life, Increase Life Expectancy, Remove Roadblocks to Success, Live Life Without Regrets, Reduce Risk of Dementia, Increase Your Intelligence Make Better Decisions, Become More Emotionally Stable, Attract Good Health and Wealth, Become Empowered for Success, Develop a Wonderful Personality In this book you are going to learn how to frame your world, to steer your life, to get to the place you want to be in every area of your life. It is actually much easier than you might think. 90 Days from now, your life will be on a different course. It is my wish that you will have a wonderful, happy, healthy and abundant life. Give a copy of this book to everyone you know who needs a life makeover.

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