Disillusioned after yet another failed attempt to establish a benign kingdom with enlightened leaders, Morgan, once Kingmaker, flees his hunters and seeks escape in his distant past. On his journey, he confronts the ruins of his life in the form of broken and conquered nations and battles the resurgence of the darker side of his nature. On his trail, as usual, is his savage twin, but this time his objective is different, although his hunger for conflict remains the same. He seeks to urge his brother to face the reality of fate and accept his destiny; a destiny shared by them both. The legacy of his old mentor, Limp-foot reaches out and confronts the tormented Morgan in the form of the last inheritors of the long-lost Brotherhood. Feeling trapped by the circumstances of his own creation, Morgan turns, thanks to his much-redeemed brother and finds that he is no longer alone. For the first time since childhood, his indomitable sibling stands at his side, their purpose forged as One. With them strides a determined and select band of talented men and women, gathered and chosen mostly by Krarl who now has a focused and mysterious vision of the future. The Protectorate Empire, embroiled in its own poisonous internal politics, lies unprepared to face the greatest threat yet to its survival.