Labrador Retriever Address Book Style meets function! This cute dog address book is the perfect size, not too large and not too small. It's a standard 6x9 journal size with large 18 point type and plenty of room to write. The front of the book has 8 emergency contacts so that you can see at a glance your most important people. The address book is alphabetical with the alphabet letters on the outside edge, so that you can easily flip to the section you need, however tabs can be purchased separately through Amazon if needed. Each contact form has the following: Name, Address, Cell, Home, Work, Email, and Birthday. The back of the book has 2 lined pages for anniversaries and 2 lined pages for notes. Features: 8 Emergency Contacts. 4 Contacts Per Page. Name, Address, Cell, Home, Work, Email, Birthdays Room for 364 Contacts Alphabetized A to Z Pages Anniversaries & Notes Sturdy Paperback Binding