Summary the 33 Strategies of War: By Robert Greene

Summary the 33 Strategies of War: By Robert Greene
Createspace Independent Publishing Platform


A Complete Summary of 33 Strategies of WarWe live in a culture that highlights the importance of democratic values, of fitting into a group, of knowing how to cooperate with other people. We are constantly trained and prepared for peace, but we're not at all prepared for the perpetual war that we must fight in the real world. This war occurs not only on the military battlefield, but on multiple levels of society. In business, politics, sports, even the arts, we find ourselves facing ruthless opponents that are willing to do anything to gain an edge. More troubling, however, are the battles we face with those who claim to be on our side--those who seem to play the team game, who act friendly and agreeable, only to sabotage us behind the scenes, to use the group to secure their own selfish interests. On the surface everything seems peaceful and harmonious, but just below it, it is often every man and woman for themselves. Our culture may deny this reality, but we all know it and feel it in our daily lives. Here Is A Preview Of What You Will Get:- In 33 Strategies of War , you will get a quick understanding of the book.-In 33 Strategies of War , you will find the book analyzed to further strengthen your knowledge.-In 33 Strategies of War , you will get some fun multiple choice quizzes, along with answers to help you learn about the book.Get a copy, and learn everything about 33 Strategies of War .