Your Roadmap to Staging Your Home to Sell in 30 days!Knowing what buyers really want and putting that knowledge to use in your house is the key to helping it stand out & sell faster! In general, the home selling market is competitive and deciphering what buyers are really looking for can feel not just overwhelming, but flat out impossible to some people. But, there is hope.The hard truth is that houses can be a bit tricky because there are a number of factors that can affect the perceived value of your home which can drive the price a buyer is willing to pay up or, worse, even down...The good news is that while it can be tricky, it's not actually that mysterious. There really are steps you can follow to set your house up for success.In her book 3,2,1: Sold! Jennifer Carroll dives deep into all of these steps and shows you how to set your house apart in the marketplace to attract the best buyer. She is an experienced home stager who has watched the houses she stages sell fast (many within 24 hours) with multiple offers. So, you can be confident in knowing that the steps she shares here work!This book is like having a pro right there by your side to guide you on the journey to sell your house quickly and for top dollar!