The Grimms' Fairy Tales, originally known as the Children's and Household Tales (German: Kinder- und Hausmärchen), is a collection of fairy tales by the Grimm brothers or "Brothers Grimm", Jacob and Wilhelm, first published on 20 December 1812. The first edition contained 86 stories, and by the seventh edition in 1857, had 211 unique fairy tales.
No library's complete without the classics! This new, enhanced leather-bound edition collects the legendary fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm. They are the stories we've known since we were children. Rapunzel. Hansel and Gretel. Cinderella.
Like Ellis, Rölleke studied the Grimms' editing history, which suggested that the tales came not from peasants via oral ... A New History (2009) and Valerie Paradiz's Clever Maids: The Secret History of the Grimm Fairy Tales (2005), ...
She presents new interpretations of the powerful stories in this book. Few studies have been written in English on these tales, and none has probed their allegedly happy endings so thoroughly."--BOOK JACKET.
The Complete Grimm's Fairy Tales
All of the two hundred ten tales are newly rendered by the highly acclaimed translator who retains the rhythms and vitality of the oral forms in which the Brothers Grimm first recorded them.
Find the original stories of Disney s Tiana, Rapunzel and Cinderella in this atmospheric collection.
The tales themselves have been put to many uses.
Presents mature and scholarly retellings of fifty favorite and lesser-known fairy tales on the two hundredth anniversary of the Grimm brothers' "Children's and Household Tales," in a volume that includes such stories as "Cinderella," ...
Designed to appeal to the book lover, the Macmillan Collector's Library is a series of beautifully bound pocket-sized gift editions of much loved classic titles.
"The essays address the reception of the Grimms' texts by their readers; the dynamics between Grimms' collection and its earliest audiences; and aspects of the literary, philosophical, creative, and oral reception of the tales, illuminating ...