Jake Cleary is a western gunman, bounty hunter who hails in Colorado, man-hunter, Indian fighter, rancher. Jake's gun is always at its ready, as in the COLORADO RECKONING and the SILVER CONCHO. Jake rides with his pal, Pat Brennon who wears a US marshals badge when it is convenient for them. they ride for the law and the bounty
When Rufus Henry gets out of work camp for Grand Theft Auto, he has only one place to go— back to Durango Street. Almost right away, he gets on the...
In the 1880s, the Denver & Rio Grande began building its three-foot railroad toward the San Juan Mountains alongside the Animas River and the budding community of Durango.
'This is my humble abode,' Fizz Moran announced as he produced a key from his trousers' pocket. 'Here are potions that will improve your sexual drive and restore your hair and all at a moderate cost and, of course, should either of you ...
"This Durango book is a model of local history.
The Fourth Durango is not your ordinary Durango.
Bad girl Perdita Durango and her dealer boyfriend Romeo Dolorosa get their kicks on a journey from Louisiana to Los Angeles that involves santeria rituals and kidnapping.
This collection presents a postcard tour of Durango and its environs and provides keen insight into the history and colorful character of this area, which has been a vibrant center of Southwestern Colorado for more than a century.
Total Car Care is the most complete, step-by-step automotive repair manual you'll ever use.
Wurt inadvertently gets involved in robbery, a gun fight, horse races and love..not necessarily in that order. Please enjoy this story of a man who ultimately leaves his drifting life for settling down in a small town in Colorado.