Shroom-Spirit.Though the minority position within historical scholarship, there is clear documentation of the influence of magic mushrooms in the development of the gospel of Jesus. This book's account of Jesus' life and teachings reflects this particular understanding of the role of psilocybin as the empowering shroom-spirit of Jesus' vision of life. And the part that Piper Methysticum played in the message of peace. Jesus' message of liberty and justice, of freedom and truth, resonate in this gospel. And the need for mystic experience, of an expanded mind, is still evident today. Whether magic mushrooms, kava kava, or trans-cendental meditation, we need to open our hearts and minds to a larger vision of what it means to be human. The good news of Jesus is a clear call to live in the real God, the connecting presence of Love. As you read this gospel of the Christ, as preached by Jesus, open your mind and respond with your heart to her challenge to live with authenticity.