Eighteen years later , in the meeting of the International Missionary Council at Jerusalem , John A. Mackay said : “ Sometimes those who are interested in Christian service in South America are apt to be regarded as religious buccaneers ...
To properly interpret the Book of Revelation, we must have a thorough understanding of the New Covenant Spiritual Life.
This book talks about the kingdom of God. The Good News of The Kingdom has not yet been preached. Those who witnessed the suffering and enduring of Jesus Christ on the cross, His life and His Word have done their job.
Therefore, what is needed is a new revelation of Jesus life illuminated with a new understanding of his Good News of eternal salvation. The purpose of this book is to reintroduce Jesus to mankind.
This book is meant to aid you in your understanding of the Bible and its message, and to provide a foundation upon which you can better come to know and love God.Meant as a compliment and extension of the book "It is Written," this book ...
But this is not merely a distant future. It's happening now through what Jesus came to establish - the kingdom of God. Allen Wakabayashi reawakens us to the world-changing reality of the kingdom of God.
I call this story, The Tale of the Kingdom'. The Tale of the Kingdom In the beginning, God created Adam and Eve, along with all the plants and animals, and they all dwelt with Him in His kingdom (Genesis 1:1-31).
And what makes it good? Surely not the stories we hear of damnation, violence, and an angry God. Tom Wright believes many Christians have lost sight of what the ‘good news’ of the gospel really is.
Scripture reveals that the great business of life is to glorify God by enjoying Him forever. In this paradigm-shattering work, John Piper reveals that the debate between duty and delight doesn't truly exist: Delightisour duty.
Here are the plain teachings of Scripture regarding Satan, demons, and spiritual warfare from a perspective that makes paramount the sovereignty of God and the finished work of Christ.
This excellent series of articles, written in the late 1800's covers a wide variety of topics: The Bible; God-Who And What is He?; Jesus Christ- Who and What is He?; Mission and Work of the Holy Spirit; The Ruin and Redemption of the World; ...