How could things deteriorate so quickly in twenty-four hours? From a banquet to a burial! The dark shadow of the executioner's cross sliced across that unforgettable day. A tragic day -- yet planned by a sovereign God. Watch anew as Jesus prays his prayer of submission to the Father's will, as he passes through the sting of betrayal, as he faces undaunted the inhumane and hateful treatment, and as he speaks unexpected last words that leave a legacy of love. Walk with Jesus from the garden to the tomb, to that first Easter morning, the dawning of hope and joy. For the shadow of the cross is the anguished prelude to the best news you will ever hear: "He is risen!
A much anticipated Christian companion to Facing the Shadow.
Here is a link to the Festival: http: // In a matter of seconds, author Charles L. Bailey, Jr.'s, childhood innocence was destroyed.
In the Shadow of the Cross explores suffering and persecution throughout the entire Bible, including observations and studies from nearly 200 Christian scholars, both ancient and modern.
Ferguson, Ann Arnett. Bad Boys: Public Schools in the Making of Black Masculinity. University of Michigan, 2000. Fessenden, Tracy. Culture and Redemption: Religion, the Secular, and American Literature. Princeton, 2007.
This book is a Christian companion to Facing the Shadow. It provides an early spiritual focus to recovery for those who are beginning to use the Patrick Carnes 30 task model of recovery from sex addiction.
Islam is on the rise all over the West, including America. In this compelling new book, bestselling author Erwin Lutzer urges Christians to see this as both an opportunity to share the gospel and a reason for concern.
He then applies this to such areas as Marriage, Christian liberty, and the work of the ministry and prayer.
"Living under the Shadow of the Cross" is a book of contemplation and study developed from a series of Sermons preached over a six month period at New Pastures Ministry, Bristol, UK. Its aim is that we might have a deeper, more appreciative ...
The Book of Job has been a rich source of truth and comfort for its readers throughout the ages, but the crowning glory of this book is the prophetic testimony it bears to the sufferings that Jesus Christ would endure as the savior of his ...
A pastor looks back on three decades of Christian life to find the true meaning of Jesus' death on Calvary. Original.