Spirituality is our connection to a greater whole. It is a journey “from God, to God, and with God,” and thus a journey toward Self. Through this process, we come to differentiate between our temporary self, called ego, and our permanent self, the part of us made for ongoing relationship with God. In the end, we discover that we know God by being known, much like one loves by being loved. There are two “halves” or phases in spirituality, sometimes flawed, sometimes overlapping, and other times distinct. While many people experience first-half-of-life spirituality, most never get to second-half-of-life thinking and living. Designed as a study guide for group or individual use, The Second Journey examines the development of Christian spirituality, starting with its conception in the biblical and Greek philosophical tradition and continuing in orthodox and heterodox expressions. Reading this book is like looking through one’s favorite album of photographs, each illustrating some aspect or dimension vital to spirituality. The range of portraits examined is extensive, including groups such as Platonists, Stoics, Gnostics, Quakers, Revivalists, Neo-Orthodox, and Eastern Orthodox, and individuals such as Philo, Valentinus, Origen, Dionysius, Augustine, Julian of Norwich, John of the Cross, Jonathan Edwards, John Wesley, Schleiermacher, Kierkegaard, Barth, Tillich, and Richard Rohr. Examining traditional and non-traditional thinkers, readers will discover that knowing God involves both light and darkness, usually in that order. “Spirituality does not make us otherworldly; it renders us more fully alive.” ––Matthew Fox
In this new book, Anderson does for marriage what she did for women at midlife.
Scranton examines the diverse views on death and the afterlife, and also presents discussion on the subject from the perspective of the apostle John.
During the years Joan Anderson was a loving wife and supportive mother, she had slowly and unconsciously replaced her own dreams with the needs of her family.
Explains how women can move beyond the roles they play in relationship to others to reclaim their individuality, nurture long-neglected talents, revitalize personal goals, and redefine themselves.
Ralph Koster, a lead designer on Star Wars Calaxies, told the Canadian Press, “If someone started walking around in the San Diego Zoo screaming profanity or handing out Nazi leaflets, the park would remove them from the premises.
Beautifully written and deeply poignant, The Making of Us allows readers to walk alongside author and radio personality Sheridan Voysey during a transformational moment in his life journey.
With Living an Examined Life, James Hollis offers an essential guidebook for anyone at a crossroads in life Here this acclaimed author guides you through 21 areas for self-inquiry and growth—such as how to exorcise the ghosts of your past ...
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.
This book is also an excellent Bible study resource for teens, young adults, and older adults as a supplement to a serious and systematic reading of God's Word by following the following Bible reading planner: http://unitedintheword.com/wp ...
"A gaslamp fantasy with adventure, romance & mad science."