The Radical Jesus offers a companion to the author's previous article collection Jesus and the Peasants. Even more than in Jesus and the Peasants, these eleven chapters sharpen the focus on the political-economic meaning of Jesus then and the deeper values embodied in him that perhaps are still pertinent for now. Part One considers his activities and aims within the political economy of first-century Galilee. Part Two offers perspectives on the critical hermeneutical task of linking the values of Jesus and the Bible to a world that has undergone what Karl Polanyi called the Great Transformation. Polanyi argued suasively in his 1944 book that economy in the pre-industrial age was embedded in social relations and served necessary social purposes, while society after the Great Transformation became embedded within market capitalist economy to the detriment of social relations. This book finds in sustained critical dialog with the Radical Jesus another transforming force and a guiding light toward a more humane economy and society that will serve human need rather than selfish greed.
... called Creating a Culture of Welcome in the Local Church. In particular, Clayton Morris' Holy Hospitality: Worship and the Baptismal Covenant1 is an invaluable resource for assessing and then revamping your church's invitation on ...
This important book recovers the ancient way of reading the four gospels as four steps in a transformative process.
... Jesus. Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press, 2012. Oakman, D. E. “The Radical Jesus: You Cannot Serve God and Mammon.” BTB 34 (2004): 122–29. Oakman, D. E. The Radical Jesus, the Bible, and the Great Transformation. Matrix: The Bible in ...
A compelling, graphical rendition, Radical Jesus tells the story of Jesus and his social message, not just in his own time, but also through the Radical Reformation, recent centuries, and our own time.
... Jesus the Galilean Bruce J. Malina and John J. Pilch Handbook of Biblical Social Values (3rd ed.) K. C. Richardson Early Christian Care for the Poor Douglas E. Oakman The Radical Jesus, the Bible, and the Great Transformation Jerome H ...
Adult males did not simply stand up and speak.
Adult males did not simply stand up and speak.
To make this universal journey with another or a small community - see the "Heart and Mind Community Guides" in the Store on the Quadratos website. The Guides follow the book.
If we are going to make disciples to go into all nations, then the church has to take ownership of making the disciples. I wrote this book to help churches invest in the sinner at the altar with the goal to get them to the cross over.
This book is going to awaken an entire generation to Jesus and His grace." --Derwin L. Gray, lead pastor of Transformation Church, author of Limitless Life: Breaking Free from the Labels That Hold You Back