This is a step-by-step guide to creating terrifying, cool and adorable creatures. Easy-to-follow instructions and detailed illustrations will introduce beginners to key concepts such as perspective and materials.
With helpful step-by-steps and stunning photography, this inspirational art book will help kick-start a love of art in children and parents alike.
IT IS A PLEASURE TO thank here those who have generously contributed references, suggestions, and encouragement over the years, especially Paul Barguet, Janice Crowley, John Darnell, Benjamin R. Foster, Elizabeth R. Foster, Adam Gopnik, ...
Presents step-by-step instruction on how to render manga pets, discussing proportion, perspective, and illustrating movement.
"These books offer artists the animal and pet models that can help a new artist become a strong manga cartoonist.
Some of the most fun things to draw are the most familiar. The cats, dogs, lizards and hamsters that people commonly keep as pets are just some of the domesticated critters featured in this informative drawing guide.
Cómo dibujar animales prehistóricos y de la era del hielo, creaturas mágicas, bestias míticas y piratas
Cómo dibujar castillos fantásticos, hadas y mascotas
A brief biography of the British writer best known for her stories about a naughty little rabbit named Peter.
The work of Lisa Roet is powerful and dramatic depicting bestial and savage imagery in a scientific and factual way.