The Mental Competency Assessment and Training (MCAT) program curriculum offers lesson plans needed for professionals who serve in court-connected cases to assist defendants who are found incompetent to stand trial and are in need of competency restoration services to restore competency to stand trial in a criminal proceeding. The curriculum is designed to work with those who are found incompetent to stand trial as a result of mental health issues or developmental disabilities. The MCAT Program curriculum is a part of a restoration competency program that relies on case law [(e.g., Dusky v. United States, 362 U.S. 402 (1960)] and scientific research. The MCAT Program utilizes a four-phase model when assisting defendants in becoming competent to stand trial. In phase one, individuals who are attempting to restore competency are taught general legal concepts (e.g., criminal justice process, legal personnel, the burden of proof, etc.). In Phase 2 of the program, basic court etiquette and managing disruptive behaviors due to feelings of stress or anger are taught. Phase 3 of the curriculum provides information on how to work closely with counsel in a rational manner and to understand the basic defenses counsel might discuss. Phase 4 of the curriculum helps the defendant understand and better appreciate the charges brought against them and facilitate the evidentiary exploration process so that they may be better equipped to consult with counsel in a more rational manner.
Mental Competency Assessment & Training (MCAT) Program: Mental Competency Evaluation Scale (MCES) and Juvenile - Mental Competency Evaluation Scale (J-MCES)...
The flashcards and legal photos are visual aids designed to reinforce key concepts covered in the MCAT program's lesson plans for both adults and juveniles.
This book is an indispensable guide for neuropsychologists looking to instill high standards of competence in their hired professionals and for those involved in training graduate students who are just learning to administer cognitive tests ...
Aging Issues: E-Newsletter of the APA Office on Aging, 3(1). Andersen, M. L., & Taylor ... Retrieved November 15, 2007, from Dodds, A., & Ferguson, E. (1994). ... Gatz, M., & Pearson, C. G. ...
The Handbook of Research on the Efficacy of Training Programs and Systems in Medical Education is an essential reference source that focuses on key considerations in medical curriculum and content delivery and features new methods of ...
The Mental Hygiene Program Evaluation Specialist II, III, IV Passbook(R) prepares you for your test by allowing you to take practice exams in the subjects you need to study.
This book offers physiology teachers a new approach to teaching their subject that will lead to increased student understanding and retention of the most important ideas.
ASSESSMENT OF COMPETENCIES IN CLINICAL HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY Constructions of lists of competencies do little good if they are not accompanied by a description of methods for assessing them reliably. Attesting to the importance of ...
"Complete coverage of the critical analysis and reasoning skills needed for the MCAT, detailed explanations for every practice question, strategies for a competitive edge; 3 full-length online practice tests"--Cover.
This book provides a comprehensive and practical guide for the safe and efficient management of patients with intrinsic brain tumors and medically intractable epilepsy.