Looks beyond power and money, the traditionally accepted measures of success, to elaborate on the importance of a third metric--the nurturing of well-being, wisdom, and compassion to create a healthy work-life balance.
Ten years later, his lifestyle still works. In this anniversary edition, Brendan brings 25 new recipes as well as updates throughout.
What do the top church teams do to thrive together? Researchers and practitioners Ryan Hartwig and Warren Bird have discovered churches who have learned to thrive under healthy team leadership.
In Thrive, Meenoo shares the five strategies that helped her become a confident, connected teacher.
The author, the lead singer for the popular group Casting Crowns, uses personal stories, Biblical quotations, and practical advice for those who want to find deeper meaning in their Christian faith.
When these needs are left unattended, they can be the source of much longing, loneliness, and insecurity. In Five to Thrive Dr. Kathy articulates these needs and offers biblical solutions for how they should—and should not—be met.
The first book to identify demographically proven "happiness hotspots" worldwide documents the happiest people on Earth and reveals how people can create their own happy zones.
The book will empower parents to recognize that the wisdom that they have gained throughout their lives is a relevant and urgently needed supplement to their kid's digital savvy, and help them develop skills for managing the new challenges ...
Klein argues that adult success is often established in the developmental preschool years. She shares advice for parents on how to promote such success-driving positive attributes as resilience, self-regulation, and empathy.
The. Aliens.