Don't Leave the Story of Your Life up to Chance: Pick up the Pen! ¿ Not sure where to start on what you want to do next? ¿ Got dreams, and ready to stop just thinking about them? ¿ Tired of just being kinda "blah" about life?If you answered "yes" to any or all of the above, in Whose Life is This Anyway?! Making Your Life Your Story, Keturah Jenkins takes you on a light-hearted journey that is engaging, and also lights up your creative side (yes, you do have one). Keturah helps remind you that you are in fact the author of your life, and that with every thought, action and choice, you are writing your own story. The absolute beauty of this is that because you're in charge of writing your story, when something about your life isn't working for you, you can start a revision. This workbook helps you clear away the fluff to figure out what you want, and also guides you through how to bring it into reality. Keturah does this by asking you simple questions about some not-so-simple topics in a way that really gets you thinking, and keeps you interested all along the way. Remember: Every day you are writing the story of your life. Why not make it a story that amazes you?