Finish Strong by Barbara Coombs Lee is for those of us who want an end-of-life experience to match the life we've enjoyed-defined by love, purpose, and agency. Written with candor and clarity by a former nurse, physician assistant and attorney, Finish Strong's stories, facts and dialogue will help prepare for latter days that reflect your values and priorities. The second edition of Finish Strong, published in September 2022, features valuable new material, including a brand new chapter called "Race and Culture Matter;" an Afterword by Kim Callinan, the President/CEO of Compassion & Choices; and a detailed index for the book. -----Praise for FINISH STRONG----- "Barbara Coombs Lee covers all the issues we must address. Read Finish Strong and use it as a guide to consider your own final decisions." - Diane Rehm, executive producer of The Diane Rehm Show and author of When My Time Comes. "Finish Strong will help people who want to pass the gift of life back into the hands of their God thankfully and with dignity. It is a blessing." - Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu