Your outdoor program provides fun, personal growth, adventure. It changes lives. But are your safety systems up to standards? If something happens, are you prepared to respond? Risk Management for Outdoor Programs: a Guide to Safety in Outdoor Education, Recreation and Adventure provides essential knowledge for any outdoor professional. Program managers, executives, volunteers and group leaders will learn the critical approaches and strategies for successfully anticipating and addressing outdoor program risks. Packed with real-life stories, current research findings, and best practices, Risk Management for Outdoor Programs: a Guide to Safety in Outdoor Education, Recreation and Adventure gives expert advice on: - Approaches to Risk Management - Standards - Legal Considerations - Safety Culture - Activities and Program Areas - Staff - Equipment - Participants - Subcontractors - Transportation - Business Administration - Risk Transfer - Incident Management - Incident Reporting - Incident Reviews - Risk Management Committee - Medical Screening - Risk Management Reviews - Media Relations - Documentation - Accreditation - Seeing Systems