The book covers about 600 quotations from Sanskrit scriptural texts, including those of Sankara and other mystics. They cover the complete range of ethical and moral values that help people to live a happy and purposeful life.
On Nyaya philosophy; Sanskrit text with English translation.
This is the ultimate reference source on pearl oysters and the culture of pearls, written and edited by a number of scientists who are world experts in their fields. •Comprehensive treatment of pearl oyster biology and pearl culture ...
A History of Reception in Premodern India Ajay K. Rao. 2 Translating pearls into coral DOI : 10.4324 / 9780203521496-2 Like a necklace made of pearls ( maņi ) and coral ( pravāla ) , ' Maṇipravāla ' refers to the combination of Sanskrit ...
In Islam Translated, Ronit Ricci uses the Book of One Thousand Questions—from its Arabic original to its adaptations into the Javanese, Malay, and Tamil languages between the sixteenth and twentieth centuries—as a means to consider ...
The folklore regarding pearls has created an endlessly imaginative literature, here analyzed meticulously." The book is enhanced with over 100 maps & illustrations.
Coverage is split into four parts which examine the origins and seminal formulations of world literature, world literature in the age of globalization, contemporary debates on world literature, and localized versions of world literature ...
Handbook and Descriptive Catalogue of the Collections of Gems and Precious Stones in the United States National Museum
... Sanskrit lexicography and Tamil morphosyntax. The word maṇipravāḷaṃ is a dual-language compound, literally meaning “pearls and coral,” from Tamil maṇi, meaning “pearl,” and Sanskrit pravāla, “coral.” Rich Freeman has shown that the ...