After writing twelve books over a period of forty years, I said I was finished. However, my life and the life around me has changed and I felt it time to offer to people pages from my own personal nature journals which have been my guides and deep sources for both learning and solace since I began writing books, back in l978. I decided to publish a book that is not instructive or text heavy. Beginning with the Winter Solstice and going through the twelve months of the year, I have chosen one hundred twenty -two pages from my own illustrated/hand written journals of the last three years revealing my reflections, doubts, joys, responses to both family, political, environmental worries and the deep solace I continually find going out into my local nature. As both urban and rural naturalist, educator, wife, mother, grandmother I open my journal pages as they are personal yet universal to all of us as we question our own lives in balance with the ongoing and continual cycles of nature's seasons.
I Could Not Keep Silent: The Life of Rachel Carson
Avec la verve picaresque qui déjà faisait merveille dans Water Music, T. C. Boyle tient ici, des semailles à la moisson, la savoureuse et pastorale chronique d'une plantation lucrative « scientifiquement » programmée.
Da den politisk indflydelsesrige Palmer Stoat forurener Florida's natur bestemmer miljøidealisten Twilly Spree sig til at give ham en lærestreg
Star of Hope: The Life and Times of John McConnell, Founder of Earth Day
Bruno Manser: The Inside Story
Conflicts of Interest: My Journey Through India's Green Movement
Profiles the former vice-president and presidential hopeful who shared the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007 because of his work in spreading the word about global warming.
'As the whale surfaced, I saw the Zodiac coming from my port bow at right angles to the ship. The speed of the Zodiac would be about twelve knots. I saw that the course that he was on would bring him between me and the whale and across ...
Captain Paul Watson is a founder member of Greenpeace. Ocean Warrior is his own story - an amazing chronicle of courageous acts in support of deeply held convictions. This book will interest anyone interested in environmental issues.
My Lion's Heart: A Life for the Lions of Africa