No doubt, over the past century, the Western world has seen tremendous advances in medicine and technology. But what if, in our insatiable urge to progress, we have lost what it means to be healthy? What happens when Big-Pharma and Big-Government work together in an unholy union of oppression and tyranny? The fact is, we are sicker than ever, and much of our modern "healthcare" has become nothing more than death-care. We have forgotten the natural, God-given systems in the body that can often be healed by simple protocols found in creation. Meanwhile, in an era long distanced from days where the church was unafraid to apply biblical principles to the stewardship of our bodies, Dr. Jason Garwood has written an indispensable manifesto on the intersection of faith, Christian doctrine, and health. It is scientifically and theologically informed as well as immensely practical while avoiding the pitfalls of a false "prosperity gospel." If you want to regain a faith-filled vision of health and healing you simply must read this book.