Hidden Travel: The Secret to Extraordinary Trips

Hidden Travel: The Secret to Extraordinary Trips
Stephen Brock


Have you ever had a magic moment on a trip that so moved you, you knew you'd remember it forever? Hidden Travel is about how to find more of those kinds of defining moments and how to create deeply personal and meaningful experiences for you and others anywhere you go. Hidden Travel explores the idea that there's more to life than most people realize. This book shows you how to discover that more-more adventure, purpose, creativity, fulfillment, connections, meaning, joy or whatever you define your own more to be-through a surprising approach to living known as hidden travel.Hidden travel is a form of travel many long for, but few find. Most guidebooks reveal sights that matter to others. Hidden Travel teaches you how to find what matters to you-on a trip around the world or just around the corner. It's about using travel to get enough distance from your ordinary life to realize just how extraordinary it is.In this book you'll learn how to discover hidden places of wonder and hidden wonder in ordinary places, along with the following: Why anticipation before and reflection after can be the best part of your trip; how to understand better what you most love and how to pursue that on a trip; how to enjoy planning a trip even if you don't like planning; how to find freedom in limitations so you don't pack behind unnecessary physical and emotional baggage; how to discover what matters to you-not what others tell you is important; how to get the most out of a place by being your best self in that place; ways to see more by engaging all your senses; how to increase your capacity to try new things so you build your adventurousness, courage and confidence; how to uncover a hidden dimension of time that can transform any trip; and how to apply what you've learned on your trip to life at home so each day is more. This book is the perfect gift for you or that special traveler in your life.

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