Client agrees to indemnifu and hold harmless The Elite Cheer Association, andit's members, managers, successors, assigns, personal representatives, lawyers, agents,officers, directors and employees, for, from and against all manner of actions, suits, liens,debts, dues, damages, claims, judgments, estate claims, attomey's fees, cost anddemands, of every nature, kind or description whatsoever, either at law or in equity, orotherwise, arising out of, or in any manner connected to the choreography services.including damage to personal properly, and equipment., physical injury of theft, whethercompany is liable in whole or in part for such actions, suits, liens, debts, dues, damages,claims, judgments, estate claims. attorney t-ees, cost and demands of every nature, kind ordescription whatsoever, either at law or in equity or otherwise.