Details the merry and wildly creative tribe who produced The Beatles' Yellow Submarine, the ground-breaking, one-of-a-kind visual adventure, first released in 1968. Get to know the formerly undiscovered artists and the technical wizardry behind your favorite scenes. Symbolic interpretations and subconscious messages of peace and love, plus in-studio hijinks by frustrated animators. How does the Yellow Submarine inspire such wonderful feelings of peace and love? This book lifts the veil of the animation screen to see behind The Beatles and detail that one magical year, during the Summer of Love in Swinging London, when a band of young artist-fans fell into the groove and brought their heroes to animated life. Part two of the internationally acclaimed Inside the Yellow Submarine: The Making of the Beatles Animated Classic by Dr. Robert R. Hieronimus and Laura E. Cortner. Full-color, with 203 illustrations, 368 pages.
By mastering the simple techniques outlined in this work you shall not only gain complete control of your circumstances, you will learn to create the extraordinary quality of life you desire and deserve.
A neurologist explores the very real world of psychosomatic illness. Most of us accept the way our heart flutters when we set eyes on the one we secretly admire, or...
Fans already rely on Russ as an inspiration of confidence; now, he is taking it to the next level with this book, which will contain lyrics from his music and visuals that reflect his inimitable style.
... Ghastly Grange'. The show's finale was an old-time music-hall performance using a genuine 1899 Star Automobile. The press review evening took place on 10 April but the show itself didn't open until 20 June.
It's All in Your Head: Remarkable Facts about the Human Mind
In our frantic, fast paced society, we need constant guidance to remind us that we can only find the peace of mind we sorely lack by looking inward.
To achieve the results we want, we first need to understand how our thinking drives our actions. By understanding the latest science about how the human brain works, we can leverage it to maximize our performance.
Stress, ill health, absenteeism from work and deteriorating relationships seem to be inexorably on the rise.The metaphors in this book point to the solution to these problems and more.
... 375 Hudson Street, New York, New York 10014, U.S.A. Penguin Group (Canada),90 Eglinton Avenue East, Suite 700, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M4P2Y3 (a division of Pearson Penguin Canada Inc.) Penguin Books Ltd, 80 Strand, London WC2RORL, ...
This book will teach you to tame the: Dragons from the Past that ignite your most painful emotions; Negative Thought Dragons that attack you, fueling anxiety and depression; They and Them Dragons, people in your life whose own dragons do ...