Common Sense: The Art of Making Better Decisions

Common Sense: The Art of Making Better Decisions
Common Sense
Michael Goodyear


What will increasing your level of Common Sense do for you and how can it help you daily? It is the gift that keeps on giving for the rest of your life. Literally, it will always be there for you if you don't get irrational or overly emotional and not remember to use it. It helps you to learn how to see opportunities sooner. You become aware of problems before they get too big so you can come up with better and faster ideas to deal with them that benefit you the most. It helps you to learn why to focus most of your energy on the solution instead of dwelling on the problem. You learn to see just who your real friends are and ways to deal with what you find. Common Sense helps you to see that the end result is almost always your decision. It can help you see when to end a relationship, look for another job or change the direction of your life. It helps you make that hard decision to sever all ties with a situation and when you may not want to or need to completely burn that bridge behind you. Increased common sense is priceless as it gives you more control over the outcome of your interactions with others. It helps you to see if you are keeping pace with the changes in your life. Just remember, sometimes we move forward, sometimes we stand still or regroup and rest and sometimes we even end up going backwards. It is all part of the process. Winning and failure go hand-in-hand as without both you won't know how to appreciate the other. They both teach valuable lessons. Just remember, change is inevitable regardless of which way it goes. You are steering the ship so you get to make the decisions on the direction you want your life to go most of the time. Do you want more ways to look at the situations that are happening around you? Learning how to develop your own version of common sense can help. Remember, common sense is not common. Many things that happen in life are not common and sometimes they don't really make much sense at all. We can't change the past even if it just happened but learning more common sense can help us to make better choices for the future. Your confidence level goes up as you take more control over your emotional responses. It helps you to see when to just keep your opinion to yourself and when to stop an argument with someone that you know will never see your point, sometime before it even starts. It helps you to find reasons to walk away and distance yourself from that negative energy. You can apply common sense to all areas of your life. Increasing your common sense improves your control over the outcome of your decisions. As you increase your ability to grasp more concepts of common sense and human relations, you will find better ways to use them to deal with many of the stressful situations that come up in your life. It will help to increase your ability to have better human relations with everyone around you because you will recognize many of the things that used to trigger negative responses from you. You will be able to let many of those negative feelings slide by without having negative responses to them in the first place. How can it help you? If you understand the things that usually trigger bad reactions from you, then you can actually create better control over the choices you make to deal with those things in the future. Life is a series of choices and sometimes we need to take more time to make those choices if life allows us that luxury. Just don't stand in the middle of a cross walk to answer a text from someone. Wait until you are on the sidewalk, LOL. If you don't react negatively to most of the things that come up in your life, then you will be able to calmly deal with them no matter what they are. You just have to understand that everything in life is a lesson and the sooner you learn this lesson the sooner you can move on to the next lesson. Common sense is simply the art of making the best out of what happens to you in all areas of your li

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