To develop, learn, and have meaningful relationships with other people, toddlers with autism need a core set of foundation skills on which to build. The Learning to Learn Program is designed for early intervention providers to use with families and caregivers. It includes assessment checklists, suggested goals and outcomes, along with specific intervention strategies for facilitating development of five core foundation skills including 1) nonverbal imitation, 2) joint attention, 3) sensory processing and self-regulation, 4) purposeful play, and 5) early language development. Young children with autism and other neurodevelopmental delays often struggle with acquisition of the these critical skills. When these foundation skills are absent or inconsistently displayed, it is difficult for struggling learners to make functional gains. This program offers a roadmap for helping young children with autism build foundation skills through playful interactions with parents and caregivers.
Here, consultant speech and language therapist, Karen O'Connor describes how children with autism, Aperger's syndrome, dyspraxia and other developmental challenges make progress with the help of music-based sound therapy.
The book comes alive with 180 days worth of therapeutic exercises crafted for kids to awaken their greatest potential. This book has been field tested on hundreds of children over many years, and as a result lives have been changed.
This book serves as a guide on how to assess Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), specifically in school settings.
More than 30 games and activities help the child on the spectrum: follow directions, stay focused, and strengthen motor skills; interact with peers and develop social skills needed for playdates; build vocabulary, expand communication, and ...
The story concludes with some of the interests and activities that Eli shares with other children. ASD and Me is a great book to share with siblings and classmates.
A heart-warming tale of one boy and the dog that changes his life, from award-winning author Nicola Davies.
This book serves as a guide on how to assess Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), specifically in school settings.