The Greatest Teammate: Making Jesus Your Number 1 Draft Choice

The Greatest Teammate: Making Jesus Your Number 1 Draft Choice
David Angeron


This book intends to draw our heart and mind towards the verses of the Bible and asks of us to pay attention. Pay attention to what? Pay attention to what we're seeking. Is it outside of us or within us? Is it success? If it is, then, what are the ways we have employed for that success? How truthful are we about that success? Have we got any life left in us or around us after achieving that success? The Bible speaks eloquently to us, "May he grant you your heart's desire and fulfill all your plans" (ESV, Psalm 20:4)! Yes, we should desire, but carefully. So, is it the mind which will take us to what we desire? Then we must feel joy and pleasure in working towards it. For, it wouldn't be intelligent of us to labor for something which doesn't bear any joy. Yes, we can achieve anything by our faith and faith alone if our desires are real. The Lord says, "Knock and the door will be opened to you" (NIV, Matthew 7:7). Then the light of spirit will lighten our mind.The sole ambition of this book is to bring the Christian spirituality through the aesthetics, beauty, and wisdom of the Bible into the lives of the readers. And try to brace the spirit of the readers with a larger whole which is the spirit of God where they could humbly face the pitfalls of life and follow their passion with renewed strength. Can we imbibe the Bible's essence in the sporting lives of the Athletes? Yes, we can. And it's a humble attempt to bring you closer to my Greatest Teammate.

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