When walking on ice, most skim smoothly across the surface - while others fall through.
The story centres on Yann Sauvage, grandson of Napoleon Bonaparte, who has come to the Colony of Victoria to seek out his father, Jean-Paul Sauvage, a deserter from the French army.
In locations ranging from the lush tropical wetlands of the Northern Territory to the arid outback, where the landscape is so flat 'the line between heaven and earth could have been drawn with the use of a ruler by some superior hand', the ...
A grimy, sweaty miner in a vacuum suit was shaking him. “Thad, they've found who took your charm! Come to the locker room, quick!” Thaddeus leapt out of his pod. Still in his underwear, he followed the miner to the locker room, ...
Fiftieth Anniversary Celebration Issue Student short stories and poems
If it's ripping yarns, surf travel horror stories, hilarious good times and profiles of the world’s best surfers that you’re after, then this is the book for you.
DETAIL: Included are comments relating Noyse family events to real Blair family events, a biography of Phyllis Blair, a story and an article written by her, a general introduction to the stories, explanatory comments, a description of Jim's ...
Collection of ten short stories, each with a twist.
DETAIL: Included are comments relating Noyse family events to real Blair family events, a biography of Phyllis Blair, a story and an article written by her, a general introduction to the stories, explanatory comments, a description of Jim's ...
CQ Literary Festival 2015 Students' Anthology
The Total Devotion Machine: And Other Stories