"... this unit will contribute towards the CHC40102 Certificate IV in Aged Care Work from the CHC02 Community Services Training Package." --p. xi.
CHCCOM2B: Communicate Appropriately with Clients and Colleagues
Upper and Lower Extremity Prostheses
CHCORG28A: Reflect and Improve Upon Professional Practice (02).
This Learner Guide addresses the competency BSBCMN310A Deliver and monitor service to customers.
The Business Services Series are a set of 7 workbooks addressing individual management competencies from the Business Services Training Package.
BSBRES401A: Analyse and Present Research Information
BSBCMN312A Support Innovation and Change
Bsbmgt505a: Ensure a Safe Workplace
This unit of competency covers the skills and knowledge required to work effectively within own area of responsibility while responding to an emergency disease or plant pest incursion.