It's the anxious eve of the millennium. The car is packed to capacity, and as midnight approaches, a family flees the city in a fit of panic and paranoid, conflicting emotions. The ensuing journey spans decades and offers a sharp-eyed perspective on a hardscrabble future, as a boy jettisons his family and all other ties in order to survive as a journeyman in an uncertain landscape. By turns led by love, larceny, and a new sexual order, he must avoid capture and imprisonment, starvation, pandemic, and some particularly bad weather. In Things We Didn't See Coming, Steven Amsterdam links together nine luminous narratives through the mind of one peripatetic and resourceful wanderer who always has one eye on the exit door and the other on a future that shifts more drastically and more often than anyone would like to imagine. "I'll get fired." "No one will know." "Central will find out." "Anything named Central doesn't even know what you look like. I do, and I'm watching you to see that you make the right decision here." He waved us through.
Our Ladie Hath a New Sonne, 1595
D. S. Russell looks at biblical and extrabiblical apocalyptic texts and various interpretations and predictions, and presents his criteria of interpretation based on the biblical vision of God s triumph.This is an excellent popular ...
A modern variant of the belief in spirit - sighted animals ( Krappe ( 8431 ) . 826 ] Bruno Bettelheim . The Uses of Enchantment : The Meaning and Importance of Fairy Tales . 828 ] Pages 183-194 . 829 ] David Biale .
4 This research has produced very valuable results, but has reached no agreement on the identity of the protagonist of the hymn which Baillet attributed to Michael, the person who speaks in it using Àrst person singular forms.
Jesus told us that no one but the Father knows the hour of His return, but that believers should begin to look up when the signs of His approach come into view.
Dichtung und Apokalypse: theologische Erschließungen der dichterischen Sprache
A Postrabbinic Jewish Apocalypse Reader John C. Reeves. should coincide with that of the lost “ark of the covenant,” since that staff is described in the Bible as being deposited for safekeeping in the ark (Num 17:25–26).9 The effect of ...
This volume contains articles by Martha Himmelfarb on topics in Second Temple Judaism and the development and reception of Second Temple traditions in late antiquity and the Middle Ages.
Building upon years of research in seventeenth-century and eighteenth-century English theological writings, William Watson argues that dispensationalism and the ideas associated with it were long part of British theological discourse.
Revised thesis (Ph.D.) - Bangor University (North Wales), 2011.