"In September 2004, the Canadian Council of Forest Ministers established a federal, provincial, and territorial task group of assistant deputy ministers (ADMs) and commissioned the development of the Canadian Wildland...
Underpinnings of Fire Management for Biodiversity Conservation in Reserves: Fire and Adaptive Management
Fire Management Manual
This weather guide includes detailed specifications for locating and instrumenting fire weather stations, taking weather observations, and overwintering the Drought Code component of the FWI System. The sensitivity of the...
Fire Behaviour Knowledge in Australia
SFPE Engineering Guide to Performance-based Fire Protection
Overall Fuel Hazard Assessment Guide
"This publication is based on the experiences of FAO and partners in community-based fire management (CBFiM). The concept of CBFiM emphasizes the importance of local communities in policy development and...
Wildland Fire Management: Lack of Clear Goals or a Strategy Hinders Federal Agencies’ Efforts to Contain the Costs of Fighting...
Haines, D.A., Kuehnast, E.L. (1970). When the Midwest burned. Weatherwise 23, 112–119. Haines, D.A., Main, W.A., Simard, A.J. (1986). Fire-danger rating and observed wildfire behavior in the northeastern United States.