Discover fearsome beasts, such as the snake-haired gorgans and the crocodile-headed Ammut, as well as creatures of beauty, such as the majestic phoenix and the graceful unicorn. Follow the Greek hero Theseus through the labyrinth to kill the bull-headed Minotaur. A book filled with roars and blood-curdling cries of creatures you pray never to meet.
A Mythical Creatures Guide with Stunning Illustrations Lisa Graves takes on monsters, fairies, gods and dragons in this illustrated guide to mythological creatures.
Perfect for fans of Harry Potter and other fantasy tales, this is the only kids' e-guide to magical creatures that tells you the history behind the mythology.
"Describes various mythical creatures in a top-ten format"--Provided by publisher.
Featuring ancient legends and folklore, mythological monsters, movie monsters and modern monsters, this collection of more than 40 creatures will scare, thrill and entertain with stunning illustrations, maps and fascinating facts.
A bestiary featuring mythical animals such as the gryphon and the chimera.
If you have a love for the myths and want to learn about the unique beasts that dwell within them, this book is a great way to do it.
Presents entries on creatures and legends from around the world, featuring mythic entities including dragons, serpents, golems, banshees, nature spirits, and sacred beings.
Whether you are interested in the beasts of anywhere from Ancient Greece to modern-day Africa, this is the book for you!
From Ancient Greece to contemporary culture, the mythical Cyclops has long fascinated readers.
This serious, scholarly treatment of 20 imaginary beings, from dragon and phoenix to giants and fairies, discusses the origin of each as an idea, its symbolism and lore, and its...