New Latin Grammar - the Original Classic Edition

New Latin Grammar - the Original Classic Edition
Foreign Language Study
Charles E. Bennett


First published in 1908, New Latin Grammar by Charles E. Bennett remains an outstanding resource for students at virtually any level. Bennett's book is a model of clear precision in its presentation of the basics of Latin grammar. Bennett uses specific examples from primary sources to help students learn the inflections and syntax of Latin, while offering a fundamental understanding of the sounds, accents, particles, and word formations of the Latin language. As an added bonus, the book provides students with a fascinating and informative history of the Indo-European family of languages and the stages of development of the Latin language. Especially helpful to both students and instructors are the sections on prosody, the Roman calendar, Roman names, and definitions and examples of figures of syntax and rhetoric. The object of this book is to present the essential facts of Latin grammar in a direct and simple manner, and within the smallest compass consistent with scholarly standards. Suitable for anyone interested in Latin. Highly used in secondary school, it has not neglected the needs of the college student, and aims to furnish such grammatical information as is ordinarily required in undergraduate courses. Interesting and instructive to the more ambitious pupil. At the end of the book will be found an Index to the Sources of the Illustrative Examples cited in the Syntax. The best short latin grammar available; this grammar has been around since the early 1900's (all the best latin grammars are of this time period or earlier) and it is as good today as when it was first issued. It is the best short latin grammar available. It will not show you all the nuances of the language, but it will give you the absolute basics that you need to know to learn this complex language. The explanations are concise and to the point; and the part on syntax is extensive.

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