Or a Chinese giant salamander? Sadly, hardly anyone ever has and that's because very few of these animals are left on the planet. But you'll find them here, along with a lot of other animals on the world's most endangered list.
But, the number one reason the animals featured in this book are in danger of dying out is habitat loss.
Since we'd worked together in the Hukawag, he'd signed on as ceo at Panthera, a New York-based wildcat conservation organization launched by entrepreneur Tom Kaplan in 2006 that has since ... Not long before *tors Forever" program.
How can you save a bird species from extinction when there are only five individuals left, with just one breeding pair? That was the problem that faced a team from...
"Interesting facts, colorful photographs, and simple text introduce readers to the world's most endangered animals"--
The author chronicles his globe-trotting expeditions to meet with the last speakers of vanishing languages and records the speakers' reflections and their efforts to teach the languages to younger generations, in a book with photos of the ...
In 100 Heartbeats, Jeff Corwin provides an urgent portrait of the wildlife teetering on the brink.
Reasons are given for why the animals are dying out, as well as actions people are taking to save these amazing animals before it's too late. Large, colorful photos entice young readers while fact boxes support the text.
Any curious world citizen or committed conservationist needs to ingest this book.
The Delacour's langur is a critically endangered species native to northern Vietnam whom live on vertical steep stone cliffs overlooking streams, swamps and rice fields of Van Long in a remote area only accessible by boat.
An illustrated survey of the world's most endangered birds This illustrated book vividly depicts the most endangered birds in the world and provides the latest information on the threats each species faces and the measures being taken to ...