With great power comes great responsibility. When Peter Parker is bitten by a radioactive spider he becomes super agile and amazingly strong. He makes a disguise and calls himself Spider-Man. It's not long before Spider-Man realises that New York City needs a superhero.
In this story, the wall-crawler's world is turned upside-down, setting the stage for the year to come.
Traces the story and development of the neighborhood webslinger from his 1962 introduction in Amazing Fantasy No. 15 to his modern incarnations and appearances in films, surveying key storylines, characters, and creators.
Spider-Man and his amazing friends, Iceman and the Human Torch, team up to help the newly empowered Rick Jones deal with all the changes and responsibilities that come with a superpower.
Peter Parker must face down an army of super-powered Spider-Man impostors, the evil Mister Hyde, and Venom and his alter ego Eddie Brock.
Tracking down the murderer of a New York socialite, Spider-Man must confront the Lizard, who, with the help of a reptilian army, has formulated a plan to wipe out all humans
If you love Spider-Man then take a trip Inside the World of Your Friendly Neighbourhood Spider-Man. This guide traces Spider-Man's entire career, from his powers and exciting adventures, to famous battles, loves, allies and enemies.
But can Spidey swing into action and save the day in just five minutes? The answer is YES. In these sensational stories, the wall-crawler is busy battling loads of enemiesElectro, the Lizard, Doctor Octopus and more!
Before Peter Parker lost the first great love of his life, her father fell toone of Spider-Man's greatest adversaries. This is the story of Captain GeorgeStacy and the dying wish he made to Spider-Man.
This new anthology has original, never-before-told stories featuring one of the world's most enduring heroes, beginning with an unforgettable novella cowritten by Spider-Man's creator himself.
A roster of infamy...a sextet of superhuman menaces banded together to carry out a malevolent scheme to hold as hostage nothing less than the entire planet Earth!