Clinical Cases Obstetrics Gynaecology & Women's Health, 3rd Edition

Clinical Cases Obstetrics Gynaecology & Women's Health, 3rd Edition
Stephen Robson, Caroline De Costa, Boon Lim


With more than 50 real-world cases, Clinical Cases in Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Women's Health 3e covers a range of obstetric and gynaecological problems likely to be encountered by busy junior doctors and general practitioners. Written by experienced obstetricians and gynaecologists and following the core medical school curricula in Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom, this pocket-sized book is an invaluable resource for medical students and clinicians. Each case presents a problem-based clinical learning scenario and then encourages readers to think about how they would take appropriate histories and examine, investigate and treat their patients. Using these techniques, students and early career doctors are guided through diagnosis and management of common and important conditions and complications. This learning is then reinforced with more than 100 multiple choice questions and answers for self-assessment. FEATURES *Problem-based learning scenarios encourage critical thinking and demonstrate effective pathways through consultation, investigation and treatment. *The 'whole woman' approach goes beyond clinical aspects to consider emotional, social and psychological aspects of care required. *Clinical Comments and Clinical Pearls reinforce key points and expand on important issues. NEW TO THIS EDITION *All cases revised with two NEW cases on contraception and menstrual bleeding *25 existing cases significantly revised *Focus on gender and ethnic diversity among patients and in personal situations *Updates on new treatment options *Over 100 multiple choice questions to reinforce learning from case studies