How did the big banks get away with so much for so long? Why are so many aged-care residents malnourished? And when did arms manufacturers start sponsoring the Australian War Memorial? In this passionate essay, Richard Denniss explores what neoliberalism has done to Australian society. For decades, we have been led to believe that the private sector does everything better, that governments can’t afford to provide the high-quality services they once did, but that security and prosperity for all are just around the corner. In fact, Australians are now less equal, millions of workers have no sick leave or paid holidays, and housing is unaffordable for many. Deregulation, privatisation and trickle-down economics have, we are told, delivered us twenty-seven years of growth ... but to what end? In Dead Right, Denniss looks at ways to renew our democracy and discusses everything from the fragmenting Coalition to an idea of the national interest that goes beyond economics. ‘Neoliberalism, the catch-all term for all things small government, has been the ideal cloak behind which to conceal enormous shifts in Australia’s wealth and culture ... Over the past thirty years, the language, ideas and policies of neoliberalism have transformed our economy and, more importantly, our culture’ —Richard Denniss, Dead Right
QUARTERLY ESSAY 70 DEAD RIGHT: How Neoliberalism Ate Itself and what Comes Next
This is a sparkling book of ideas, and the perfect starting point for thinking about how we can best shape Australia’s future.
QUARTERLY QUARTERLY QUARTERLY ESSAY ESSAY ESSAY WITHOUT MOMENT DEAD AMERICA OF TRUTH RIGHT HISTORY AND AUSTRALIR'S ... 15.99 ) QE 66 ( $ 15.99 ) James Brown Anna Krien Fring Line The Long Goodbye QE 67 ( $ 22.99 Benjamin Law Moral Panic ...
Creighton, Breen, and Andrew Stewart. 2016. Creighton and Stewart's Labour Law, 6th ed. Sydney: The Federation Press. Cooper, Rae, and Bradon Ellem. 2008. “The Neoliberal State, Trade Unions and Collective Bargaining in Australia.
This book is essential for social workers, practitioners, policymakers, government officials, researchers, academicians, and students who want to learn more about the recontextualizing of modern social work in a shifting global environment.
Classical Rhetoric in the Middle Ages: The Medieval Rhetors and Their Art 400-1300, with Manuscript Survey to 1500 CE is a completely updated version of John Ward’s much-used doctoral thesis of 1972, and is the definitive treatment of ...
Available at: Ravna, Ø. (2014) “The Fulfilment of Norway's International Legal ... Routledge handbook of Indigenous peoples in the Arctic. ... International law in domestic politics.
Youth encounter programs in israel . Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press . Shah , R. , Maber , E. , Lopes Cardozo , M. , and Paterson , R. ( 2016 ). UNICEF programme report (2012–2016): Peacebuilding, education and advocacy in ...
Bjelke Blues: Stories of Repression and Resistance in Joh BjelkePetersen's Queensland 1968–1987. Brisbane: AndAlso Books. Smith, P. 1985. 'Queensland's political culture'. In A. Patience (ed.) The BjelkePetersen Premiership 1968–1983: ...
... Caplan, B. (2018). The case against education: Why the education system is a waste of time and money. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. Choy, S. (1997). Public and private schools: How do they differ?