Nahona`ara means ‘facing the `ara’, the place where the southeast winds meet the land just west of Point Cruz. Nahona`ara became Honiara, the capital city of Solomon Islands with a population of 160,000, the only significant urban centre in a nation of 721,000 people. Honiara: Village-City of Solomon Islands views Honiara in several ways: first as Tandai traditional land; then as coconut plantations between the 1880s and 1930s; within the British protectorate (1893–1978) and its Guadalcanal District; in the 1942–45 war years, which created the first urban settlement; in the directly post-war period until 1952 as the new capital of the protectorate, replacing Tulagi; and then as the headquarters of the Western Pacific High Commission (WPHC) between 1953 and 1974. Finally, in 1978, Honiara became the capital of the independent nation of Solomon Islands and the headquarters of Guadalcanal Province. The book argues that over decades there have been four and sometimes five changing and intersecting Honiara ‘worlds’ operating at one time, each of different social, economic and political significance. The importance of each group—British, Solomon Islanders, other Pacific Islanders, Asians, and more recently the 2003–17 presence of the Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands (RAMSI)—has changed over time.
In this autobiographical account of life in Honiara, capital of Solomon Islands, Michael Kwa'ioloa reflects on the challenges of raising a family in town, managing marriage exchanges, and sustaining ties with a distant rural homeland in ...
Living Tradition is the story of how his life changed as he came to terms with a world of contrasting cultures and values, combining family instruction and school, ancestral ghosts and born-again Christianity, shell money exchanges and work ...
Honiara, is a young urban setting where individuals from different ethnic groups and islands are creating their own urban culture. The practices of traditional healers in Honiara occur in a...
Local Food Supply to Honiara: an Analysis of the System of Marketing Food Crops, Vegetables, Fruit and Nuts
This collection of maps is up to date with the latest developments of the city as of 2017. We hope you let this map be part of yet another fun Honiara adventure :)
Solomon Islands: Honiara Urban Profile
The Structure of Rural Supply to the Honiara Market in the Solomon Islands
IEC Strategies on the Prevention of Teenage Pregnancy Among Young People in Honiara
Not a work of scholarship; still less is it a comprehensive survey of Solomon Islands art forms. Conveys some impression of the variety of design to be found in the Solomons.
Using the case of Solomon Islands, this book raises fundamental questions about the nature of 'cooperative intervention' as a vehicle for state building, asking whether it should be construed as a mainly technical endeavour or whether it is ...