Using a rare combination of the common touch and political savvy, Laurier became prime minister in 1896, a position he would hold for 15 years.
The length of Sir Wilfrid's public career alone challenges admiration and respect. He had been almost half a century in active politics; forty-six years a salient figure in Parliament; a...
27 Wilfrid Laurier and Cha - Cha the Chimpanzee CRAWLED to the edge of the POND. While REACHING for the closest FROG Wilfrid Laurier lost his BALANCE. SPLASH! In went Wilfrid Laurier, SOAKED AGAIN! Cha - Cha the Chimpanzee could not ...
Canada Always brings together the most significant speeches of one of Canada's greatest leaders on the 175th anniversary of his birth.
But nobody has looked at him as more than a mythological figure for a very long time. André Pratte, chief editorial writer of La Presse, uncovers Laurier's full complexity amid the charged political circumstances of the early 20th century.
The Day of Sir Wilfred Laurier: A Chronicle of Our Own Times
By shining a light on boundaries, this volume provides a wealth of international perspectives and knowledge about the ways that music enhances lives.
The work that has been accomplished has served to bring scholars from diverse fields together and to encourage others to share in the exploration and expansion of critical thinking in a number of areas.
Sir Wilfrid Laurier: The Great Conciliator
Reproduction of the original: Sir Wilfrid Laurier by Peter McArthur