Heuler’s stories dart out at what the world is doing and centre on how the individual copes with it. Anything is possible: people breed dogs with humans to create a servant class; beneath one great city lies another city, running it surreptitiously; an employee finds that her hair has been stolen by someone intent on getting her job; strange fish fall from trees and birds talk too much; a boy tries to figure out what he can get when the Rapture leaves good stuff behind. Everything is familiar; everything is different. Behind it all, is there some strange kind of design or merely just the chance to adapt? In Heuler’s stories, characters cope with the strange without thinking it’s strange, sometimes invested in what’s going on, sometimes trapped by it, but always finding their own way in.
Sivertsen , E. 1960. Cockney phonology . New York : Humanities Press . Solomon , Denis . 1966. ... Whiteman , Martin and Deutsch , Martin . 1968. Social disadvantage as related to intellective and language development .
This book examines the history of these initiatives.
In this timely and provocative contribution to the American discourse on race, William Julius Wilson applies an exciting new analytic framework to three politically fraught social problems: the persistence of the inner-city ghetto, the ...
Much like the original, this second edition of The Analyst in the Inner City opens up with updated, detailed clinical vignettes and case presentations, which illustrate the challenges of working within this clinical milieu.
A unique and beautiful book for kids and adults that combines short stories and poetry with surrealist art -- a return to the form that made Shaun Tan a visionary...
See also Mead, New Politics of Poverty, and Wilson, Thinking about Crime. On the culture of poverty and its critiques, see Duneier, Slim's Table; Katz, “Underclass” Debate; Lewis, La Vida; Lewis, “Culture of Poverty”; Newman, ...
This compelling book is a must-read."—William Julius Wilson, Lewis P. and Linda L. Geyser University Professor, Harvard University “I am confident that this book will instantly become the leading source of information on the nature of ...
After a heist on a freight train leads to murder, Johnny and his friends go to work for kingpin Duke Davis, but when Duke recruits Johnny's little sister Leslie for prostitution and later kills her, Johnny seeks revenge.
The findings inform a critique and synthesis of urban theory which frame the evolving conditions of the 21st century metropolis. This book would be useful to researchers and students of Geography, Urban Studies, Economics and Planning.
Every issue of Inner City Romance is included in this collection, as well as many of the highly detailed paintings Colwell created at the time. In an accompanying text piece, Colwell provides context for the material.