Featuring the most accurate, current, and clinically relevant information available, Maternal Child Nursing Care in Canada, 2nd Edition, combines essential maternity and pediatric nursing information in one text. The promotion of wellness and the care for women experiencing common health concerns throughout the lifespan, care in childbearing, as well as the health care of children and child development in the context of the family. Health problems including physiological dysfunctions and children with special needs and illnesses are also featured. This text provides a family-centred care approach that recognizes the importance of collaboration with families when providing care. Atraumatic Care boxes in the pediatric unit teach you how to provide competent and effective care to pediatric patients with the least amount of physical or psychological stress. Nursing Alerts point students to critical information that must be considered in providing care. Community Focus boxes emphasize community issues, supply resources and guidance, and illustrate nursing care in a variety of settings. Critical thinking case studies offer opportunities to test and develop analytical skills and apply knowledge in various settings. Emergency boxes guide you through step-by-step emergency procedures. Family-Centred Teaching boxes highlight the needs or concerns of families that you should consider to provide family-centred care. NEW! Content updates throughout the text give you the latest information on topics such as perinatal standards, mental health issues during pregnancy, developmental and neurological issues in pediatrics, new guidelines including SOGC, and CAPWHN, NEW! Increased coverage on health care in the LGBTQ community and First Nations, Metis, and Inuit population NEW! Medication Alerts stress medication safety concerns for better therapeutic management. NEW! Safety Alerts highlighted and integrated within the content draw attention to developing competencies related to safe nursing practice.
Lisa Keenan-Lindsay, Cheryl A Sams, Constance L. O'Connor, Shannon E. Perry, Marilyn J. Hockenberry, Deitra Leonard Lowdermilk, David Wilson. Study Guide for Perry's Maternal Child Nursing Care in Canada Third Edition Lisa ...
Greco, K. E., Tinley, S., & Seibert, D. (2011). Essential genetic and genomic competencies for nurses with graduate degrees. Consensus Panel, Silver Springs, MD: American Nurses Association. Johnson, N. L., Giarelli, E., Lewis, C., ...
Written by a team of experts led by Shannon E. Perry and Marilyn J. Hockenberry, this book provides the accurate information you need to succeed in the classroom, the clinical setting, and on the Next Generation NCLEX-RN® examination"--
This money-saving package includes the 4th edition of Maternal Child Nursing Care - Text and Simulation Learning System.
... RN, CPN; Rosalind Bryant, PhD, APRN-BC, PNP; Patricia M. Conlon, RN, MS, CNS, CNP; Martha Curry, MS, RN, CPNP; Amy E. Delaney, RN, MSN, CPNP-ACIP; Sharron L. Docherty, CPNP, PhD; Quinn Franklin, MS, CCLS; Debbie Fraser, MN, RNC-NIC; ...
Designed to be used by the student together with the sixth edition of Maternal and child health nursing by Adele Pillitteri.
This text provides a family-centred care approach that recognizes the importance of collaboration with families when providing care.
Cohen, E., Kuo, D. Z., Agrawal, R., Berry, J. G., Bhagat, S. K., Simon, T. D., & Srivastava, R. (2011). Children with medical complexity: An ... Franck, L. S., Ferguson, D., Fryda, S., & Rubin, N. (2015). The child and family hospital ...
Binder-Ready Edition: This loose-leaf copy of the full text is a convenient, accessible, and customizable alternative to the bound book. With this binder-ready edition, you can personalize the text to match your unique needs!
With a rich focus on family health, this text contains exam-style review questions, case studies, and numerous other pedagogical features to give you the tools you need to successfully care for patients within the Canadian social and ...