"James Flynn is an expert shot, a black belt in karate, fluent in four languages and irresistible to women. He's also a heavily medicated patient in a Los Angeles psychiatric hospital. Flynn believes his locked ward is the headquarters of Her Majesty's Secret Service and that he is a secret agent with a license to kill. When Flynn is mistaken for an actual secret agent, paranoid delusions have suddenly become reality, and now it's up to a mental patient and a terrified orderly to bring down an insecure, evil genius bent on world domination"--From amazon.com.
Patterson went to the root of the matter and discovered that his employees had little enthusiasm for their jobs and no reason to put out good work. He delved further and became aware of the deplorable working conditions his employees ...
Osborn reaches over Mac's shoulder and opens the Terminus Americana for him, then grabs the back of Mac's head and forces his face into the pages-- BLACKOUT. Mac's muffled SCREAMS are met by millions of ranting, paranoid VOICES.
This book, therefore, reports essays of some of the opinion leaders in the field with the aim to shed light to such overwhelming phenomenon.
The Paranoid