Breen/Ellis/Stephenson Canadian Business Law Today, First Edition, is an exciting new ground up product specifically designed for Canadian college courses, or for instructors that want concise business law coverage.
Canadian Business and the Law
Stevenson ( 1932 ] A.C. 562 ( pp . 98-99 ) 580 ( p . 193 ) E. Hulton & Co. v . Jones [ 1910 ] 26 T.L.R. 128 ( p . 94 ) Elcano Acceptance Ltd. v . Richmond , Richmond , Stambler & Mills , 79 D.L.R. ( 4th ) 154 ( Ontario Court of Appeal ) ...
Mr. Black also states that in discussing Burrough's equipment there appeared to be no problem about who would programme the machine . Further , Mr. Murdoch stated that Burroughs had a lot of experience in public utilities requirements ...
This new edition of Kevin McGuinness's widely cited treatise on corporate law covers the wealth of case law and legislative changes since 1999.
The 6th Canadian edition of DuPlessis, Canadian Business and the Law is the preeminent resource for students who require an understanding of the legal system as it relates to business - what circumstances place an individual and an ...
International Business Law for Canadians: A Practical Guide
Instructor's Manual to Accompany Contemporary Canadian Business Law: Principles and Cases
This text gives business law instructors the flexibility to deal with all of the topics, to customize their course by supplementing it with additional material, and/or to concentrate on an area of specialization.
This 12th Edition of Contemporary Canadian Business Law continues the tradition of more than 30 years of providing students with a clear understanding of the legal environment for business professionals, owners, and managers in Canada.