"This text is an Alberta-specific resource for creditor/debtor/collections courses in paralegal and legal assistant programs in Alberta. This text teaches students about significant aspects of creditors' and debtors' rights, including relevant statute and case law. The emphasis is on provincial legislation and case law relating to the bringing of debt collection processes and the various means of enforcing a judgment. The enforcement of various security interests and other creditor remedies such as landlords' rights of distress is also reviewed."--
Re : Moeesha Johnson v . Jacob Cousins To the Sheriff , County of Mendocino : Enclosed please find an original Writ of Execution and -- copies and a check in the amount of $ . 4. If Debtor or Third Party Objects Please proceed to levy ...
Collections: Materials Prepared for a Continuing Legal Education Seminar Held in Vancouver, B.C. on March 9, 1988
Collections for Legal Support Staff: Materials Prepared for a Continuing Legal Education Seminar Held in Vancouver, B.C. on May 15,...
Collections: Materials Prepared for a Continuing Legal Education Seminar for Legal Assistants and Legal Secretaries Held in Vancouver, B.C., on...
Collection and Demand Letters: Best Practice Examples with Commentary
Collect Your Court Judgment shows them how to locate debtors, find out what they're worth, and claim their money.
Matthew Bender Practice Guide: California debt collection and enforcement of judgments
Debt Collection: a Step-by-step Legal Guide
Auflage, Art. 27 EuGV ̈U Rdn. 21; S. Braun, Der Beklagtenschutz nach Art. 27 Nr. 2 EuGV ̈U, S. 77. ... 166In diesem Sinne auch: OLG Hamm, 12.12.1994, IPRax 1996, S. I. Vollstreckbarerkl ̈arung im Anwendungsbereich der EuGVVO 265.
Whether you're affiliated with an agency, creditor, law firm or bad debt buyer, if you're responsible for debt collections, Fair Debt Collection Practices: Federal and State Law and Regulation contains virtually everything you'll need to ...