This text is a practical guide that provides readers with effective approaches to communication theories and strategies and offers a wealth of tools for enhancing communication both in Canada and abroad. Informed by the authors’ intersection of cultural identities and lived experiences, Intercultural Communication demonstrates how communicative practices are established and influenced within societal realms. Readers’ understanding of culture is widened beyond discussions of race and ethnicity by critically examining factors like age, familial roles, sex, gender, socioeconomic status, and disability. Guided through real and complex scenarios, this text explores how different social and cultural practices present implications for communication, demonstrating how to manage conversations in appropriate and meaningful ways. Key topics include verbal and non-verbal communication, cultural values, self-awareness, and digital communications. Case studies, practical activities, and thought-provoking questions accompany each chapter, helping students to explore their own attitudes and actions through self-reflection. This invaluable and comprehensive guide is ideal for students enrolled in intercultural communication and cross-cultural communication courses, including studies in business, education, social work, health care, and law enforcement.
Highlighting values, ethnicity, physical geography, and attitudes, the book examines means of interaction, including body language, eye contact, and exchange of words, as well as the stages of relationships, cross-cultural management, ...
'Intercultural Communication' introduces the key theories of intercultural communication and explores ways in which people communicate within and across social groups.
Second, theories can be designed to describe how communication varies across cultures.
Retrieved from ... Developing successful global leaders: Tomorrow's leaders will need to be more adaptable to culture differences, ...
Translating Theory into Practice Globalizing Intercultural Communication: A Reader introduces students to intercultural communication within the global context, and equips them with the knowledge and understanding to grapple with the ...
Strategies for coordinating intercultural encounters in the real world encourage readers to take action and recognize that this work and learning doesn't end when the course ends.
By integrating ′glocal′ perspectives in intercultural communication, the book addresses the long-term strategy of developing a global community without sacrificing indigenous local values.
Understanding Intercultural Communication introduces students to the foundations of intercultural communication, a growing sub-discipline within Communication.
In D. Nelson (Ed.), Handbook of prejudice, stereotyping, and discrimination (pp. 61–87). New York: Psychology Press. Dovidio, J.F., Ellyson, S.L., Keating, C.F., Heltman, K., & Brown, C.E. (1988). The relationship of social power to ...
After being asked to stay home and avoid contact with others, Katie Williams tweeted "I just went to a crowded Red Robin...It was delicious, and I took my sweet time eating my meal. Because this is America.