THE DAYS OF HEAVEN The days of heaven are peaceful days, Still as yon glassy sea; So calm, so still in God, our days, As the days of heaven would be. The days of heaven are holy days, From sin forever free
Two little words are found in the Greek version here. They are translated "_ton kairon_" in the revised version, "Buying up for yourselves the opportunity." The two words _ton kairon_ mean, literally, the opportunity.
They do not refer to time in general, but to a special point of time, a juncture, a crisis, a moment full of possibilities and quickly passing by, which we must seize and make the best of before it has passed away.
Basic Training, Plain Talk on the Key Truths of the Faith
牧師不是應該……?基督徒不是應該……?╳╳╳不是應該……?別再用「我應該」框住自己了!不想假裝,就到天父這邊 柳子駿牧師身為PK(Pastor's Kid,牧家子女),自小看盡教會百態,認為「教會不能真實敞開」。如今,將自己的成長與體悟,真實告白在眾人面前,破除一般人對神職和服事者既定形象的迷思。#有時候需要的只是哭一場好希望讓我好好地哭,不需要擠出話來安慰我;當我表現出比較負面的情緒時,也不要急著勸阻我,甚至告誡我:「沒見證。」#我蒙召是來成為兒子的我們與神的關係,不是只有服事,也不是雇主與雇工的關係,所以不必處在下對上的恐懼與擔憂中,更不要活在做不好就要被罵的壓力中。#如果別人覺得你很怪每個年代火熱愛主的人,都會被視為怪人、異類,但是,基督信仰絕不只是恪守教規而已,應該是熱情地為主而活!
The Purpose and Power of Praise & Worship: Study Guide
Felkner covers such key areas as enlisting and training teachers; selecting curriculum; finding and using places and spaces; barriers and opportunities; and locating and inviting students. An excellent resource list...
This book is a spiritual biography that focuses primarily on the religious experiences of Charles Darwin's life. Its intent is to demonstrate how Darwin's rejection of the Bible led him...
A preliminary note of measurement and scales in the psychology of religion -- Scales of religious beliefs and practices -- Scales of religious attitudes -- Scales of religious orientation --...
Philosophy & Education: An Introduction in Christian Perspective
Don't let another election year pass without prayer. This powerful little book is filled with scriptural prayers that specifically address the needs of our nation. Let righteousness reign in America,...